245: A Crash Course in Performing Under Pressure

245: A Crash Course in Performing Under Pressure

How do you prepare yourself to actually perform when it’s time to? How do you put yourself in a position to actually dominate when it matters most? I break the formula down in this episode.

Time Stamps:

(1:22) Welcome back to the Sports Motivation Podcast
(2:18) Shoutout to Sarah!
(4:17) #1: Laser-like clarity on your vision
(5:14) #2: Set 3-6 month outcomes
(6:08) #3: Identify high-performance targets
(7:11) #4: Create a daily game plan to get better
(7:46) #5: Measure Improvements
(8:03) #6: Track your emotions
(9:22) #7: Create new emotional recipes
(10:08) www.imnotyou.com/ki
(11:13) #8: Put yourself in high-pressure situations frequently
(13:13) #9: Be Compassionate to yourself